How to Build Quality Links


With Google’s March 2024 core update, improving the quality, user experience, and content of one’s site has been of utmost importance within the SEO industry. One of the ways you can protect your site from being penalized by Google’s implementations is through link building. Below is a recap on Google’s updates in SEO, as well as a guide on what to do when building links in order for them to best serve your company.

Google’s March 2024 Core Update: What You Need To Know

The March 2024 Google Core Update was created to improve the quality of Google searches by showing less content that was catered to gain clicks and more content that users will find relevant. Google has implemented three new spam policies in order to address issues within the quality of the platform’s search results:

  • Expired domain abuse – an expired domain name is purchased and repurposed by hosting content that has little to no value to users
  • Scaled content abuse – many pages and links are generated for the sole purpose to manipulate rankings in the search and not help users
  • Site reputation abuse – third-party pages and links are created with little to no involvement with a first-party

Because of these limitations, link-building has become more tedious and thought-provoking than ever. There are a few things to keep in mind when incorporating links and making the best use of SEO.

What Is Link Building?

Link building is a technique used to get other websites to link back to your own website. In the case of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), link building helps boost a company’s web page’s search rankings through gaining inbound links that are of a higher quality. Due to Google’s ever-evolving algorithms, links remain a significant part of how search engines determine rankings for specific keywords. Some common ways companies strategize their link-building include using public relations, fixing broken links, reaching out to other companies through email, and marketing their content.


Asking for links from other websites is a beneficial practice! Whether you know the website owners personally as friends or coworkers, or if you are completely reaching out to someone new, relevancy is the most important benefit from connecting with others. Some examples of linking with other websites include blog posts, infographics, E-books, guides, case studies, and original research articles.

Impactful Content

Creating content that is authentic and aligns with your brand will help people naturally gravitate towards your services. By creating this kind of content, you can then earn links from websites without asking. Some examples of content that other websites tend to link are visual assets, surveys and other research, online helping tools and calculators, and guides and tutorials.

Online Communities

Influencing has become one of the most sourced ways to promote a product or service. The usage of social media is helpful in linking, as collaboration with famous bloggers and those with large followings can advertise your company to expansive audiences, through the accessibility of sharing links. Additionally, some other spaces you can promote your website include the directories of businesses, profile pages on social media, comments on blog articles, and online forums.

Need Link Advice? MedShark Can Help!

If you want to improve your overall SEO ranking, consider implementing these tips and tricks for adding links across your website. At MedShark, our medical digital marketing team is experienced in all things SEO and content marketing and can help you optimize your site. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more!