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Why MedShark Digital?

It’s simple: marketing is highly competitive for medical practices, especially for practices that specialize in cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, Med Spa, dermatology, and dentistry. In order to thrive, your practice needs a partner that knows your industry, your practice, and your fee-for-service patients. And they need to have a track record of consistently delivering results, even in the most competitive situations.

MedShark Digital works hand-in-hand with our clients to highlight their business’s personality. We then brand your business with an authoritative website that converts searchers into leads.

At MedShark, we bring what has been missing in medical digital marketing: Unique solutions paired with accountability.

We not only understand your industry and target audience, we get to know your practice and develop custom messaging that speaks in your voice.

We dedicate an entire team to your practice, with team members specializing in every aspect of SEO: technical, content, link building, local, and paid ads. Through these tactics, we convert more visitors into quality leads for your practice.

At MedShark, we bring what has been missing in medical digital marketing: accountability

  • Superior SEO strategies and results
  • Custom content in your voice
  • Conversion of more visitors into quality leads
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The Five Fundamentals ofMedical Digital Marketing
Engaging & Technically Optimized Website Development
Become an Expert ThroughSophisticated Content
Building Trust Through Authoritative Backlinks
Build an Online Community byIntegrating Social Media

What Makes SEO So Important for Medical Practices?

Your top priority for acquiring new customers as a medical service provider should be visibility. But all opportunities for visibility are not the same. And with more options and higher costs, practices can waste a lot of money without generating a high ROI.

The reason SEO remains a foundational marketing building block is it provides visibility with the right audience at the right time. Organic search visibility positions your practice as an authority, drives motivated prospects to your website, and converts your highest-quality website visitors into your most valuable leads (next to referrals).

That said, Internet users are increasingly unwilling to dig through multiple search result pages to find a good option for healthcare services. Many do not even scroll past the first few results displayed to them. Making sure you not only rank highly in targeted search results but also that your Google Business Profile appears—in comprehensive detail—to people geographically near your offices is vital to boosting your business.

Finding the Right Approach to Maximize SEO Rankings

Google updates its search algorithms regularly, and recent updates use advanced artificial intelligence to provide users with high-quality content that incorporates a user’s intent rather than just using keywords typed into a search window. There are multiple ways to optimize your site for recent Google updates that MedShark Digital can help you develop as part of a comprehensive medical SEO and healthcare marketing strategy.

Expertise, Authority, and Trust

To start, you should highlight your expertise, authority, and trust throughout your website. Google recognizes that people searching for healthcare services online want physicians with the expertise necessary to deliver superior results or treat their conditions. Potential patients want a trustworthy practice with established authority in helping other people deal with similar problems. An effective website is one with all its page content tailored to emphasize these three things.

Addressing Specific Concerns

Furthermore, good content for healthcare SEO and medical marketing addresses the specific desires and concerns of your potential patients. At MedShark Digital, we understand elective medical treatments and develop content that tells people what they want to know—details on procedures and treatments, differentiators that distinguish you and your practice, helpful tips and information, etc.—and where they can go to get the answers and assistance they need.

Thorough Content

Finally, medical SEO content should be thorough. Google prefers deeper, authoritative pages that address a wide variety of questions and subtopic areas rather than spreading individual answers across various pages and URLs. This way, your website can rank for important keyword searches and multiple long-tail queries with a single base page. With the design and link-building capabilities of MedShark Digital, you can more effectively direct visitors to your content and turn them into new patients.

Schedule Your Free Consultation With MedShark Digital